Your Focus is Your Superpower!

When you first wake up, what goes through your mind? What kind of thoughts do you have? Are you aware just how powerful these first few moments of the day are? The quality of your thoughts create the quality of the day you’ll have and the quality of your day determines the quality of your life!

If we don’t have a clear vision of what we want to experience in life, we can get lost in our daily activities never really arriving at our desired destination. So it’s vitally important to focus on the things we want to do and the person we want to be. After all, what you focus on expands.

Here are a few ways you can make sure to stay on track:

  1. Using a Theme or Mantra: A little trick I have found that has helped me is, choosing a theme, mantra or word that represents how I want to remember my day. My current theme, “what you focus on expands,” stems from Mel Robin’s quote in which she said, “The reticular activating system helps us see more of what we believe by focusing on finding evidence that supports our belief.” In short, when we consistently think about the things around us in a positive way and with good intentions, we create a pattern that will become our habits that then will become aligned action! 
  2. Have a Purpose: The first step to living life on your terms is waking up with a purpose. When we’re lost in the morning, it’s because our mind isn’t given something worth focusing on – like achieving big things or growing relationships around us! By filling that void and giving ourselves an elevated lifestyle through focused work ethic, these goals grow more prominent than expected (in both size & importance) and make everything seem more fulfilling, too – including family time at home.  

The journey starts by taking responsibility for ourselves, realizing we can create our own destinies without outside influence telling us what kind of person we “ought” to be instead. 

We often forget that our mind is a powerful tool at our disposal and end up stuck doing nothing more than existing rather than flourishing as we could by making small and consistent tweaks around our mindset.

We control our lives (through decisions) as well as our mindset. Waking up every morning and choosing a theme for our day will help us control how we want our day to unfold. I challenge you today to set a theme for yourself. Choose what you want your mind to focus on and you’ll start to see more and more of it…

Discover the power of creating a community by scheduling a Discovery Call or Strategy Session with me today! Email: or call/text (858)215-4480.

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