Using Negative Thoughts as a Cue to Start Thinking Positively

Upgrade Your Mindset

Negative thinking is a natural part of our evolution. At some point in time, negative thinking was a way in which we attempted to protect ourselves from potential danger. If you think of a time when you were in danger and felt your “fight or flight” response kick in, how many thoughts ran through your mind? How many of those thoughts were negative? In a matter of seconds, you probably thought of a hundred different ways you could get yourself out of danger should it arise.

Negative thoughts are a part of life, but they can also be an indicator of a need…a need for something greater. If you find yourself constantly thinking negatively about your business, your relationships, or anything else in your personal and professional life, it might be time to take a step back and evaluate what’s really going on. Instead of feeling the need to run away from these thoughts or just accept them as truth, use them as cues and a sign, that it may be time for you to upgrade your mindset.

Below are some ways that can help you start having more positive thoughts than negative ones:

  • Affirmations: Instead of letting bad experiences in life control how happy or successful you feel on any given day- turn those downs into ups with positive affirmations like “I am strong” and “My circumstances won’t be like this forever.”Replacing old negative self-talk with positive affirmations will help your mindset change drastically and motivate you to push through.
  • Identify your negative thoughts and give them a funny voice so when they play or re-play in your mind you don’t take them as seriously. 
  • Make a list of things you are grateful for in life
  • Write down the good qualities about yourself that others have told you or that you’ve observed in yourself 
  • Look at pictures of people who inspire you and find their strengths to emulate in your life. 
  • Practice gratitude by writing down five things each day that make your life better, even if they seem small

I challenge you for the next 21-30 days to incorporate this concept into your daily routine and life. Be aware of the negative thoughts flowing through your mind and see how you can shift those thoughts to something uplifting. Focus on how you speak to yourself.

It’s common for people to think that having negative thoughts is a bad thing. But if you can use them as a cue to upgrade your mindset, it is possible to live an extraordinary life and achieve more than you ever thought was possible! 

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