Living in the Possibilities | Lindsay Dunlap (Guest)

#MindsetCheck | Living in the Possibilities

I remember when we first had Lindsay Dunlap on The REAL Podcast a few years ago, and she mentioned the question “Why Not Me?” back than as well. This has since stayed with me and I wanted to have her come back on the show to talk specifically about this and her mindset behind this simple yet profound question. 

Q: Is there something that’s currently in your radar that’s been your theme this week? 

A: How can I add value? Maybe it’s not a current client but a past client, friend or neighbor? Can I add value to another agent? 

Q: Anything particular that prep’s you mentally for the day? 

A: I am most productive when I have lists. As soon as 9am hits, what looked like a planned and prioritized day has gone in a completely different direction. Learning to adjust and shift swiftly is key.

Q: Do you have a morning routine?  

A: It’s a work in progress. Actually working on implementing more structure to my morning routine. Start with prayer of gratitude, physical activity/exercise outdoors (as simple as walking- opportunity to meditate on the upcoming day or return calls), coffee and lists, proofing marketing. 

Q: Like what type of mindset has helped you succeed in real estate and being a mom? Is there overlap at all? 

A: My mindset has shifted quite a bit in the past 2 years, however one that has stuck with me since the beginning is: why not you? What separates you from the top agents? In my eyes, the person who really wants it, is the one who is willing to do the work to get it. Another is don’t chase the money, chase the relationships. Focusing on money will lead you down a rabbit hole. Focusing on adding value to others when at times there is not an immediate or tangible payoff will serve you in the long run. Questions I’ve been asking myself to create a better mindset…what is your why? Who do you want to be? Not all agents want to be #1 and that’s ok. Owning who you are and where your priorities lie are critical. At this time in my life I have experienced a tremendous amount of loss. It has made me realize that my success is not defined by my annual production, it is defined by my relationships with my family and friends, it is defined by moments that are shared, it is defined by the impact I can make serving others. The same skills I use in real estate I also use in parenting. Set an example, be patient, show kindness even when it’s not deserved, live like someone is always watching, show compassion, give respect and it will be given to you. Make time, set expectations, be honest. Character counts! Understand that you’re not going to win every battle but choose those battles wisely.

Below you’ll find some great highlights from our talk with Lindsay that will help to get you back on track:

  • Have a Support system! People vent and gain perspective. 
  • Create Balance in your life. Contribute and give back to feel fulfilled 
  • Character counts. 
  • Give yourself permission!

Click on the link below to listen to the entire episode!

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