Why Feeling Thankful For What You Have Will Help You Create What You Want

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was to keep a gratitude journal. It sounds hokey, I know. But it works. And not just because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside (although it does). It works because it’s a practice of remembering what’s good in your life—and when you remember what’s good, you naturally want to create more of it. 

Maybe it’s time for a change of perspective. Instead of looking at all the things you don’t have, try feeling grateful for the life you do have. It might not be perfect, but there are probably more good things about it than you realize. And once you start feeling grateful, you may find it easier to create the life you’ve always wanted. 

3 Reasons Why Feeling Grateful Can Help You Create a New Life 

  1. Gratitude Attracts Positive Energy. You know the saying, “Energy flows where intention goes.” Well, the same is true for gratitude. When you focus on feeling thankful for what you have, you attract more positive things into your life. Of course, this doesn’t mean that simply being grateful will make all your dreams come true. But if you want to manifest something specific, gratitude is a powerful tool to help make it happen.
  2. Gratitude Helps You Appreciate What You Have. When was the last time you truly appreciated your life? Not in an abstract way, but in a concrete, specific way? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been awhile. We often take our lives for granted and assume that things will always be the way they are now. But what would happen if everything were taken away from you tomorrow? Suddenly, all those things that seemed so mundane would become incredibly precious. 
  3. Gratitude Opens Your Eyes to Opportunity. One of the side effects of feeling grateful is that it opens your eyes to opportunity. When you’re focused on what’s good in your life, you’re more likely to see possibilities where others see problems. For example, let’s say you’re laid off from your job. Most people would see this as a catastrophe. But if you’re able to focus on the silver lining—maybe it’s an opportunity to finally start your own business—then suddenly what seemed like a disaster becomes an exciting possibility. 

So go ahead and give gratitude a try. The next time something good happens, take a moment to appreciate it fully. savor the experience and really let yourself feel grateful for what you have. You may be surprised at how much your life can change when you start feeling thankful for what’s right in front of you.

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