How Cold Exposure Can Help You Achieve Success in Business and Life | David A. Moya | Real Estate Video Coaching

How Cold Exposure Can Help You Achieve Success in Business and Life

If you’re looking for an edge in business and life, you might want to consider turning down the heat the next time you step into the shower. That’s right, I’m talking about cold showers. Before you write me off as crazy, hear me out. There’s a reason why so many successful people start their day …

How To Shift Your Paradigm & Empower Yourself in 6 Easy Steps | Tim Van Damm (The REAL Podcast) Highlight #2 | David A. Moya

How To Shift Your Paradigm & Empower Yourself in 6 Easy Steps

In life, we all face challenges. It’s how we deal with those challenges that defines us. Do we allow ourselves to be defeated by them, or do we find a way to rise above them?  It’s all too easy to get caught up in the negative. To focus on what’s going wrong rather than what’s …

The 3 C’s of Dynamic Delivery: Confidence, Charisma & Conciseness | David A. Moya

The 3 C’s of Dynamic Delivery: Confidence, Charisma & Conciseness

If you’re like most people, the idea of being on camera can be daunting. But don’t worry, there are a few things you can do to make sure you look and sound great on camera!  First and foremost, it’s important to make sure that you understand the information inside and out. This way, you won’t …

Why Every Real Estate Agent Needs a Great Origin Story | David A. Moya

Why Every Real Estate Agent Needs a Great Origin Story

In the world of real estate, your origin story is everything. It’s the equivalent of a superhero’s “origin” story – the tale of how and why you got started in the business. And just like a superhero, if your origin story is weak or sloppy, it can make it that much harder to gain trust …

Overcoming Fear in Business and in Life - 3 Proven Strategies | David A. Moya | Betsy Heller (Guest)

Overcoming Fear in Business and in Life – 3 Proven Strategies

We’ve all been there. That feeling of fear creeping up on us when we’re about to do something outside of our comfort zone. It’s normal to feel fear, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it control us. In this blog post, we’ll explore three ways to overcome fear so that you can take …

3 Reasons to Use Golf to Grow Your Business Network | David A. Moya

3 Reasons Why Realtors Should Use Golf to Grow Your Business Network

If you’re a real estate agent, then you know that networking is key to success. And what better way to network than on the golf course? Golfing is a great way to meet potential clients and build relationships with other real estate professionals. Plus, it’s a lot of fun! So if you’re looking to take …

3 Reasons Why You Need to Leverage the Power of Relaxation | David A. Moya

3 Reasons Why You Need to Leverage the Power of Relaxation

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We are constantly bombarded with stimulus and our to-do lists just keep getting longer and longer. It can be tough to find the time to just…relax. But it’s important to remember that relaxation is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.  The …

3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Client Appreciation Party | David A. Moya

3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Client Appreciation Party

As a real estate agent, you’re always looking for ways to connect with your clients. And a client appreciation party is a great way to get to know your clients on a deeper level. Here are three reasons why you should have a client appreciation party:  A client appreciation party is a great way to …

The Power of Relatability: Why You Should Share Your Stories Now | David A. Moya

The Power of Relatability: Why You Should Share Your Stories Now

Too often, we wait to share our stories until we’ve reached some sort of success. We think we have to have it all together before we can really help others. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, sharing your struggles and challenges is one of the most powerful things you can do …

3 Tips That Will Make You a Rockstar Host at Your Next Broker Caravan | David A. Moya

3 Tips That Will Make You a Rockstar Host at Your Next Broker Caravan

When hosting a broker caravan or open house, it’s important to be a great host. Neighbors, affiliates and fellow real estate agents will be dropping by and you need to be prepared. Making sure there are lots of drinks and snacks available is not all that guests are looking for. They want someone who is …