The Power of One More: Why Standards Matter More Than Goals

We all have goals. Whether it’s to close more deals, make more money, or get in better shape, we’re constantly striving to achieve something. But what if I told you that there’s something more important than your goals? That’s right, standards. In his book “The Power of One More,” Ed Mylett talks about the importance of standards and how they ultimately lead to achieving our goals.

What are Standards?

Standards are the things we do on a daily basis that help us move closer to our goals. They are the habits and actions that we control. For example, if my goal is to close more deals, my standards could be things like making sure I’m prospecting every day, following up with leads regularly, and attending networking events. 

Goals vs. Standards

The main difference between goals and standards is that goals are externally focused while standards are internally focused. Goals are often results-oriented (e.g. close X number of deals), while standards are process-oriented (e.g. make X number of calls). And because they’re results-oriented, goals can often be out of our control. We can do everything right and still not achieve our goal due to circumstances beyond our control. 

But with standards, we are in control. We can always control how hard we work and how much effort we put in. And ultimately, it’s our standards that will determine whether or not we achieve our goals. If we have high standards, we’re more likely to achieve our goals because we’re putting in the work necessary to reach them. 

The Power of One More

In his book “The Power of One More,” Ed Mylett talks about the importance of raising your standards by doing one more thing each day. Let’s say for example, that you’re a real estate agent who has a goal of selling 10 houses in a month but you’re not quite hitting that goal. Instead of lowering your goal, decide to raise your standards by making one more call each day or sending one more email each day until you finally reach your goal. By raising your standards, you will be able to reach your goal by doing just a little bit more each day. 

If you’re not reaching your goals, it might be time to take a look at your standards. Are you doing everything you can each day to move closer to your goal? If not, maybe it’s time to raise your standards and see what happens! Who knows, you might just find yourself achieving your goals sooner than you thought possible!

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