If you’re anything like me, the word “intention” might make you cringe a little bit. It’s become one of those overused, trite terms in the self-help community that has lost a lot of its original meaning. But I’m here to tell you that intention is still relevant—and important—as ever. In fact, focusing on my intention has helped me to stay more authentic and true to myself, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Here’s what I mean…

Recently, I’ve been asking myself “what is my intention at this moment?” before taking any kind of action—big or small. This simple question has helped me to shift my attention away from the things I can’t control and invest more of my energy in the things I can control. And because of that, I’ve been able to create more value in all my relationships, interactions, and business activities. 

For example, let’s say you’re a real estate agent who is feeling burnt out and frustrated because you’ve been working non-stop and haven’t seen any results. Instead of beating yourself up or getting caught up in a negative spiral, take a step back and ask yourself what your intention is at that moment. Are you looking for validation? Approval? A pat on the back? Or are you simply wanting to do your best work possible and serve your clients to the best of your ability? 

Chances are, it’s the latter. And when you reframe your intention in that way, it becomes easier to show up authentically as yourself—which ultimately leads to better relationships and business results. So next time you’re feeling lost or uncertain about what to do next, remember to check in with your intention first. It might just be the key to unlocking the doors you’re looking for. 

What’s your intention at this moment? When it comes to personal growth (and creating more value in all areas of your life), refocusing your attention on your intention can make all the difference. Stay true to yourself by checking in with your intention before taking any kind of action—big or small—and see where it takes you. You might just be surprised by the results.

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