As a Man Thinketh | #MindsetCheck

“As a Man Thinketh”

Is it easier for you to think negatively or positively? And this is a trick question actually.

I found out something from John Assaraf that and this is a direct quote. By the way if you haven’t heard of John, do yourself a favor and Google him to find some of his work.

John said in a podcast recently that, “the default setting in your brain is one of negativity first…for safety.”

I’ve heard this stated in many different ways before and also in a couple of books that I’m reading. And basically put, it’s easier for us to think negatively than it is for us to think in a positive way. Our default mode is one of negativity, and that’s because our brain is trying to protect us. Our primitive side of our brain,

or the primitive part of our brain is trying to protect us from danger. And at one point in our existence this made a lot of sense, however once you get to the point where you are a thinking and able adult, that is responsible for your life…this has to change.

I would say that for me, this was a huge “aha” moment, it was enlightening…it was a moment of enlightenment.

This is in alignment with a lot of the scriptures that I was brought up with as a kid. One of them being “As you believes so shall it be done unto you.” Matthew 8:13.

If you’re dive into studying high-achievers you’ll see a repeating concept of the power of belief and how beliefs create your experiences.

James Allen also touched on this and said, “As a man think it so is he.”

So even though we may be inclined to think negatively, or respond negatively to our environment, I encourage you to regain your power…take back your power. Control your thoughts and your feelings by choosing to see that your default setting is one of negativity. Don’t judge your reactions. Observe them. Then choose a different response if you want to experience something else.

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