Create the Life You Want by Dropping the Judgement

Today we’re talking about dropping judgement so we can create more of the things we want…so we can create more of the life that we want. Let me clarify what I mean. 

All of us typically have some sort of judgement about who we are and where we are in life. We keep tabs of ourselves by comparison. We look around for direction and validation. I, at one point in my life, didn’t like who I was and the results I was getting. I was angry, unsatisfied and felt powerless. But I wanted something to change. I knew that my life was being created by my “software” it always has. But where did my “software” or programming come from? If I didn’t get to decide my programming, then who did? And then it hit me. Those around me, in a loving way, did their best to equip me with what they thought I needed as a child. And they were given their programming in the same way.

My biggest takeaways:  

  • Your Environment. I became aware that my current habits, my programming, and my current mindset were all passed down to me. Knowingly or unknowingly, my programming was created by the people in my environment. It was all done subconsciously through culture, family dynamics, religion and whatever else was in my environment. 
  • Your Destiny. The moment I became aware that my current programming was not permanent nor my destiny, is the moment I freed myself of self-judgement. I also dropped the negative judgement I had towards my results, my programming and the people who gave me my programming.
  • Your Choice. This also helped me to drop self-victimization. I realized that what I was experiencing was one choice of many, and it wasn’t the end-all-be-all. I could change myself and have different results. I realized that I have the power to change and direct my life in a new way. 

Some people come to this moment of realization much sooner than others. I know a lot of people who have come to this point…this realization…this enlightenment way before 38. I know some will get to it later. Again, it’s not about where you are in comparison to others, it’s about where you are compared to where you were. 

It’s not always perfect. Every day is an opportunity to progressively move in the direction that you want. But first you need to free yourself of judgement and redirect all that energy towards creating the life that you want.

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