Understanding Prospecting & Building Trust to Grow Your Real Estate Business

There’s a purpose behind every video that we’ll be filming during this Video Challenge. We’ll be going over delivering this videos with the right message at the right time. We won’t be creating videos for the sake of just creating them and hoping it reaches someone. Strategy is key and each video coincides with one of the three phases that we’ll be covering here.

Phase 1 (“Prospecting”) – this is for people who are considered “cold.” This means this audience doesn’t know who you are. They aren’t aware about the problem they have and have no idea about the solution you are able to offer. The objective here is to build immediate brand awareness. During this stage, you’re activities might include: cold calling, door knocking, sending mailers, etc.

Phase 2 (“Building Trust”) – this is for an audience that is considered “warm.” This means these people have watched your videos, seen your FB/IG posts at some point, and have maybe even opted in for something on your website, or searched for homes on your website, or received a mailer from you. The objective in this phase is to create engagement so your audience will comment, like or share your video. We’ll also be addressing possible objections your viewers may have. During this stage, you’re activities include: newsletter, email blasts, “by referral only” system, etc.

Phase 3 (“Customer Base”) – this is for your “hot” audience. These individuals may have given you their names, emails, phone numbers, etc. or they may have used your services at some point. The objective here is to convert your audience into repeat paying and referring clients. This audience includes current buyers, sellers/listings, past clients, etc.

You want to create a custom approach to each of the videos in each of the phases since you’ll be talking about different topics and approaching it from different angles. You’ll have different levels of rapport with you audience at each phase. For example, in Phase 1, your audience will not know your name or your personal story versus in Phase 3 you’ll already be at a different stage in your relationship with each of your audience members.

We understand that you’re busy and really need something concise and attainable to do every day without having to recreate the wheel. This challenge will teach you the strategy that is already working for thousands of people.

The end goal is for you to have seven videos in each of the three Phases for a grand total of 21 videos over the next 21 days. Throughout this entire challenge, it’s important that we are constantly communicating and sharing your “origin story.” Don’t worry, we’ll be helping you formulate the most authentic and captivating “origin story” for you so you can share that with as many people as possible. In short, your origin story is all about creating reliability. It’s about giving your audience a snapshot of who you are and why you can help them. It is short and easy to digest. We’ll address this again during the graduation webinar where we’ll further explain how you can strategically use these videos into your marketing.

5 Day FREE Video Challenge for Realtors, check it out HERE

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