Managing Time Management from a Manager’s Point of View

On this day I found myself driving to La Jolla & Carmel Valley for several appointments and thought it a good idea to record another Vlog.  I was fortunate enough to have my sidekick Milo with me but a few things kept my mind busy.

  • Time Management & Delegation: As an entrepreneur, you get a lot of stuff on your plate and I’m slowly trying to let go of things that I’m not the best at.  It’s important that everything we do is always adding value to our clients & viewers.  I’m not the best at everything, so surrounding myself with people who are better than me at certain activities is advantageous.
  • Mastermind Group: We’re starting a networking group again. Well not really a networking group but more so like a mastermind group I’d call it.  A networking group is a little bit more, about passing your cards around and spending an hour wasting your time. I don’t feel networking groups really add value the way they should.
  • Social Media (Valuable Content): Trying to figure out how I’m going to incorporate Snapchat, my blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. I’m brainstorming unique ways to get content on all the sites, and of course, have it be valuable at the end of the day.

Time Management

It’s very hard to spread myself out evenly.  I generally have been feeling a little bit overwhelmed with all the different things I have to do, but I’m trying to let go of things that I’m not adding the most value to and focus on the activities that I’m most passionate about.  If I feel passionate about some thing, some aspect of work, of the business, of the company, then I obviously try to do that just because I feel like I have to follow inspiration.  That always produces the best result in my opinion.

Anyway, so that is the struggle right now. No, it’s not really a struggle, it’s just kind of a cool challenge. I’m enjoying where we are right now in our growth, in our stage of development.  I’ve created a schedule every day, obviously it’s flexible so should I need to go take care of something or if we get a last minute appointment in our schedule then it’s a little flexible.

And I know everybody hears about time management but for me it’s something I’m really focusing on.  Since I’m back and forth being creative, then logical, then back to being creative…then back to logical – right brain, left brain, and right brain – I feel like super scheduled will help immensely.  A super schedule would actually allow me more freedom – free to be logical when I need to be logical and more creative when I need to be creative.

Mastermind Group

We’re really trying to redefine what we’re doing on & how we’re impacting the local businesses & community. The mastermind group is really in alignment with this as we feel it will help further our efforts in Carmel Valley.  I’m not sure if we are clear yet in terms of how we are going to continue to provide the content that we have in the past, yet I feel like we need to make a shift into a new way of doing business – the way we present the content and the type of content.  We need to really find an even more specific niche in which to thrive.

Social Media & Valuable Content

Content is king.

Relevance is queen.

Having content that you share on different platforms (blog, social media, etc.) is king, but the way you share this content is queen, in the sense that how you deliver the content will make it relevant or not to your end-user.  Each one of your outlets have different viewers.  Someone who is on Snapchat isn’t necessarily on Facebook, AND even if they were, they are probably going onto these different outlets for completely DIFFERENT reasons.

We’re also currently building out a new look and functionality of our website so stay tuned for that.

If you’re interested, you can follow me on:

  • Instagram @davidamoya
  • Twitter @davidamoya
  • Snapchat @iDavidamoya (like iPhone. I didn’t want to put numbers and I felt like if I kept, you know, like my Gmail account has numbers in it and it’s just david, it’s just dmoya. I felt like that, I don’t know, I just didn’t want to do that. So I wanted to keep it simple and clean and, you know, davidamoya would’ve been great but someone out there took that for some odd reason, they probably don’t even need it as much as I do, but hey it’s a free world.)

Until next time, amigos.